The Membership Committee has three primary functions:
- To recruit new adult members to the FWDCCS. Here is the membership form for becoming a member of the Diocesan Catholic Committee for the Diocese of Ft Worth. NEW_Membership App.pdf
- To assist Catholic units in establishing or improving Catholic Emblems Programs by working closely with Chartered Organization Representatives, Parish Scout Coordinators and other interested parties.
- To assist Catholic Units in the preparation of the application for the Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition.
For a full calendar of Catholic Committee events, Click Here
 Find out more about us by visiting other sections of this website or email the Membership Chair Committee meeting dates and locations are on our calendar. All are welcome to come and find out more about us. There are no dues.
 In order to assist a unit we need to have information on the person in each unit to be contacted so FWDCCS news on events and programs can be passed on in a timely manner. All Catholic units should appoint this contact person. Contact the Membership Chair with your questions.
Unit Recognition
 The Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition Award is administered by the Membership Committee. Applications must be received by January 30th each year for presentation at the Annual Awards Ceremony conducted in April or May. Contact the Membership Chair for more details and mailing address. Recent recipient, Pack 32 2006-2009 (4 years in a row).
For more information and an application click here: